How to install Desktop and enable RDP on ubuntu – Script included

To enable a desktop environment on your Ubuntu VPS, you’ll need to install a graphical user interface (GUI). Here’s a step-by-step guide to set it up:

Step 1: Update your system

Before starting, it’s a good practice to update your package list and upgrade your existing packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Install a desktop environment

You have several options for desktop environments. Some popular choices for VPS are:

1. Install XFCE (lightweight desktop)

XFCE is a lightweight desktop environment that’s great for VPSs. To install it:

sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y

2. Install GNOME (full-featured desktop)

GNOME is the default desktop environment for Ubuntu, but it’s heavier than XFCE:

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop -y

3. Install LXQt (another lightweight option)

LXQt is another lightweight option:

sudo apt install lxqt -y

Step 3: Install a display manager

A display manager handles user logins to the GUI. You can install one of the following:

For XFCE (and lightweight environments):

sudo apt install lightdm -y


sudo apt install gdm3 -y

Step 4: Enable the graphical interface

Once the desktop environment and display manager are installed, enable the display manager to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable lightdm  # For XFCE


sudo systemctl enable gdm3  # For GNOME

Step 5: Start the graphical interface

Now, start the desktop environment:

sudo systemctl start lightdm  # For XFCE


sudo systemctl start gdm3  # For GNOME

Step 6: Access your VPS via Remote Desktop

You will need to set up a remote desktop protocol (RDP) or VNC server to access the graphical environment. Here’s how to set up xrdp (RDP):

  1. Install xrdp: sudo apt install xrdp -y
  2. Start and enable xrdp: sudo systemctl enable xrdp sudo systemctl start xrdp
  3. Open port 3389 in your firewall to allow RDP access: sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp
  4. Connect to your VPS via an RDP client (such as Remote Desktop on Windows or Remmina on Linux). Use your VPS IP address and login credentials.

Optional: Install VNC Server (alternative to RDP)

If you prefer VNC over RDP, you can install a VNC server like TigerVNC:

sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-viewer -y

After installation, set a password for VNC access:


Then, start the VNC server:


Finally, connect to your VPS using a VNC viewer, specifying your VPS IP and VNC port (usually :1).

Let me know if you need further assistance or if you prefer a specific desktop environment!

Here’s a Bash script to install a desktop environment on your Ubuntu VPS. This script will:

  1. Update the system.
  2. Install the XFCE desktop environment (you can modify it for other environments if needed).
  3. Install and configure xrdp for remote access.
  4. Open port 3389 for RDP.

Bash Script:


# Ensure the script is being run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root" 
    exit 1

# Update the system
echo "Updating system..."
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

# Install XFCE desktop environment
echo "Installing XFCE desktop environment..."
sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y

# Install the display manager (lightdm for XFCE)
echo "Installing lightdm display manager..."
sudo apt install lightdm -y

# Enable lightdm to start at boot
echo "Enabling lightdm..."
sudo systemctl enable lightdm

# Start lightdm to initiate the desktop environment
echo "Starting lightdm..."
sudo systemctl start lightdm

# Install xrdp for remote desktop access
echo "Installing xrdp for RDP access..."
sudo apt install xrdp -y

# Enable and start xrdp
echo "Enabling and starting xrdp..."
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl start xrdp

# Open firewall port 3389 for RDP access
echo "Opening firewall port 3389..."
sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

# Provide instructions for remote connection
echo "Desktop environment and RDP setup complete!"
echo "You can now connect to your VPS using an RDP client (e.g., Remote Desktop on Windows, Remmina on Linux)."
echo "Use your VPS IP address and login credentials to access the GUI."

Instructions for Using the Script

  1. Create the script:
    • On your VPS, create a new file: nano
    • Copy and paste the script above into the file, then save and exit (Ctrl+X, Y, Enter).
  2. Make the script executable: chmod +x
  3. Run the script: sudo ./

The script will automatically install everything, configure the desktop environment, and set up RDP for remote access.

To enable remote desktop functionality and ensure it is available on startup for the desktop environment you set up, you’ll need to ensure xrdp is installed, configured correctly, and set to start automatically with the system.

Here’s how to modify your script and enable remote desktop access that starts automatically when the VPS boots:

Modifications to the Bash Script

You’ll want to ensure xrdp starts automatically after installing and configuring the desktop environment, and that port 3389 (for RDP) is open in the firewall.

Here’s the modified script that takes care of everything:

Updated Bash Script:


# Ensure the script is being run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root" 
    exit 1

# Update the system
echo "Updating system..."
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

# Install XFCE desktop environment
echo "Installing XFCE desktop environment..."
sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y

# Install the display manager (lightdm for XFCE)
echo "Installing lightdm display manager..."
sudo apt install lightdm -y

# Enable lightdm to start at boot
echo "Enabling lightdm..."
sudo systemctl enable lightdm

# Start lightdm to initiate the desktop environment
echo "Starting lightdm..."
sudo systemctl start lightdm

# Install xrdp for remote desktop access
echo "Installing xrdp for RDP access..."
sudo apt install xrdp -y

# Enable and start xrdp
echo "Enabling and starting xrdp..."
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl start xrdp

# Ensure xrdp runs in the correct session (XFCE)
echo "Configuring xrdp to use XFCE..."
echo "startxfce4" > ~/.xsession

# Restart xrdp service to apply changes
echo "Restarting xrdp service..."
sudo systemctl restart xrdp

# Open firewall port 3389 for RDP access
echo "Opening firewall port 3389..."
sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

# Provide instructions for remote connection
echo "Remote desktop setup complete!"
echo "You can now connect to your VPS using an RDP client (e.g., Remote Desktop on Windows, Remmina on Linux)."
echo "Use your VPS IP address and login credentials to access the GUI."

Key Points to Note in the Updated Script:

  1. Installing and Enabling XRDP:
    • The script installs xrdp (Remote Desktop Protocol server) to allow you to access the GUI via RDP.
    • The script also ensures xrdp starts automatically by enabling and starting the xrdp service.
  2. Session Configuration for XRDP:
    • The line echo "startxfce4" > ~/.xsession ensures that when you connect via RDP, xrdp will start the XFCE desktop environment.
  3. Firewall Port for RDP:
    • The script opens port 3389 in the firewall, which is the default port for RDP.
  4. Autostart and Restart:
    • The script ensures that the xrdp service is restarted after configuring the session.

Additional Steps (Manual Configuration if Needed)

  • After running the script, you should be able to connect via RDP using a client like Remote Desktop (Windows) or Remmina (Linux).
  • Use the VPS IP address and login credentials.

Making XRDP Automatically Start on Boot

systemctl enable xrdp ensures that xrdp is enabled to start automatically when the server reboots, so you don’t have to manually start it every time.

When setting up a remote desktop environment with xrdp on Ubuntu, there are a few common issues that can arise. Below are some troubleshooting steps and fixes you might encounter:

1. Cannot Connect to Remote Desktop (RDP) – “Connection Refused”

This issue can be caused by several factors, including firewall settings, incorrect xrdp service status, or network issues.


  • Ensure xrdp is running: Make sure the xrdp service is active and running: sudo systemctl status xrdp If it is not running, start it: sudo systemctl start xrdp To enable xrdp to start on boot: sudo systemctl enable xrdp
  • Open the RDP Port (3389): Ensure port 3389 is open in the firewall to allow RDP connections: sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp
  • Check Network Configuration: Ensure that the VPS is reachable from your local machine. Test the connection with ping: ping <your-vps-ip> If it is not reachable, verify your network setup, including any cloud firewall or network restrictions.

2. Blank Screen or Black Screen After Login

If you successfully connect via RDP but get a black or blank screen after logging in, this is often due to a mismatch between the desktop environment and the session that xrdp tries to start.


  • Set the correct session: Ensure the ~/.xsession file exists and is properly configured. If you are using XFCE, the ~/.xsession file should contain: echo "startxfce4" > ~/.xsession Then, restart the xrdp service: sudo systemctl restart xrdp
  • Check Logs: Review the xrdp logs for errors: sudo journalctl -u xrdp -xe

3. XRDP Login Fails – “Your session is being started” but gets stuck

This issue occurs when the session manager is not configured properly.


  • Ensure .xsession is set: As mentioned above, ensure the session is correctly defined in ~/.xsession. For XFCE, it should contain startxfce4. echo "startxfce4" > ~/.xsession
  • Use a Different Display Manager: If lightdm isn’t working correctly with xrdp, you can try installing and using another display manager like gdm3 or sddm: sudo apt install gdm3 sudo systemctl enable gdm3 sudo systemctl start gdm3

4. “Authentication Failed” After Logging In

If you get an “Authentication Failed” error even with the correct username and password, it could be due to incorrect user permissions or a misconfiguration in the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules).


  • Add the User to the ssl-cert Group: xrdp uses the ssl-cert group for authentication. Add your user to this group: sudo adduser $USER ssl-cert
  • Check the Password: Ensure the password you are using is correct. Sometimes the password or login might be case-sensitive, or special characters might cause problems.

5. Unable to Start Desktop Environment (e.g., GNOME or XFCE)

Sometimes, the desktop environment may not load properly, especially if there are conflicts between different desktop environments.


  • Reinstall the Desktop Environment: If XFCE is not working as expected, you can try reinstalling it: sudo apt install --reinstall xfce4 xfce4-goodies
  • Ensure the Correct Display Manager: If you’re using GNOME or another environment, ensure you have the correct display manager installed. For GNOME, you might need gdm3: sudo apt install gdm3 sudo systemctl enable gdm3 sudo systemctl start gdm3
  • Check the .xsession Configuration: Double-check that the .xsession file has the correct startup command for your desktop environment.

6. Audio or Clipboard Issues

By default, xrdp may not allow clipboard or audio sharing in the RDP session.

Fix for Clipboard Sharing:

  • Install the xrdp package for clipboard support: sudo apt install xrdp-x11rdp

Fix for Audio:

  • Audio over RDP requires additional configuration. You can try using PulseAudio for sound: sudo apt install pulseaudio Then, configure xrdp to use PulseAudio: sudo apt install pulseaudio-module-xrdp

7. No GUI (Graphical Interface) Available After Connecting

If you’re getting a blank screen or can’t access the desktop interface after a successful RDP connection, it may indicate issues with the graphical environment or desktop manager.


  • Reconfigure the Display Manager: Sometimes the lightdm or gdm3 display manager needs to be reset: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm Afterward, restart lightdm or gdm3: sudo systemctl restart lightdm

8. VPS Memory/CPU Constraints

If your VPS is under heavy load (memory or CPU), it may struggle to load the desktop environment.


  • Check System Resources: Use htop or top to check memory and CPU usage: htop
  • Consider Upgrading VPS: If the issue is performance-related, consider upgrading your VPS to a plan with more resources (CPU, RAM).

Summary of Common Fixes:

  1. Ensure xrdp is running: sudo systemctl status xrdp
  2. Open port 3389 for RDP: sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp
  3. Check .xsession configuration: echo "startxfce4" > ~/.xsession
  4. Restart services: sudo systemctl restart xrdp
  5. Fix firewall/network issues: Check if the VPS is reachable and not behind a restrictive firewall.
  6. Check for desktop environment conflicts: Reinstall or configure the correct desktop environment.

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